Enabling Electric Vehicle Charging in Condominiums 


Sina Balzhäuser

Content Manager


5 March 2020

Why You Need an EV Charger for Your Condo

What Are the Challenges Involved in Trying to Install an EV Charger for Your Condo?

How to Enable EV Charging in Condominiums

infographic - 7 steps to enabling electric vehicle charging in condominiums

1. Survey your residents & get their approval

2. It’s time to get technical: does the building have enough electricity to charge EVs?

electrician checking electrical capacity of your condo

3. Money, money, money: figuring out the costs

homeowner calculating the costs of enabling electric vehicle charging in condominiums

4. Cutting red tape - how to get your charging permit

5. Practical considerations when choosing a charger

6. Take installation seriously: select a certified electrician

certified installer installing an ev charging station in a condo - wallbox

7. Let’s split: establishing a payment structure

Fit for the Future: the Benefits of Installing an EV Charger in Your Condo

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