Learn how Wallbox’s super fast installations help this electrician switch off and connect with what really matters

5 min read

Installer and amateur kickboxer Misawa saw his workload double this summer when he and his wife welcomed twin daughters. Luckily Wallbox´s fast and easy installations mean he can finish work in time for dinner and connect with what really matters. 

The new dad chats about how he switches off, balancing family life in Yokohama,  and making Wallbox history with Pulsar Plus.

Misawa’s Journey: From Car Shop Manager to Electric Charger Installer

With our chargers being so easy and efficient to install,  Misawa credits Wallbox for helping him strike the perfect work life balance.

Misawa is no stranger to trying new things. Misawa only became a Wallbox installer last year after making the switch from managing a car shop to electrical installation. 

It was always his goal, he says, to become a certified electrician. So when his company told him they were going to delve into the EV charging industry, he jumped at the opportunity to mix things up. 

Now 32, Misawa says the change has suited him perfectly as it allows him to connect more with end-users. 

“The best part of the job is being appreciated by the customer,” he says. “In my previous position, I had little direct contact with the end customers, so this was new to me.” 

During this summer Misawa says his company saw demand for chargers skyrocket. “We received a ton of requests for site surveys and installations, as many people were waiting for their new cars to arrive and wanted the chargers to be installed as soon as possible,” he says. 

Despite the busy schedule, Misawa did his best to arrange site surveys and installation so that the customers do not have to wait. And his hard work paid off. “I guess the customers could see the effort I put in, and when the installation was done, the customers personally thanked me for the hard work.” 

Work wasn’t the only reason Misawa saw his hands in 2023. In January, his wife gave birth to twin girls and the new dad has never been happier. “The time spent with my family is the best feeling ever,” he says. 

With our chargers being so easy and efficient to install,  Misawa credits Wallbox for helping him strike the perfect work life balance. Yet he admits at first he was apprehensive. 

“In Japan, many installers are uncertain about dealing with non-Japanese products due to the differences in voltage and frequency,” he says. 

“However, this product has been certified so there is no cause for concern. In fact, this product is easy to install and set up.

“So my message would be for installers to not be afraid to deal with foreign products.”

In particular, Misawa praises Wallbox for helping the end-user get in charge of their electricity use. “The power to control charging output and schedules has put the control right into the hands of the users, “ he says. “In a country where EVs are gaining traction, it’s a game-changer.”

Misawa, who lives with his family in Yokohama, also thrives on how quickly the EV charging industry is growing – and the competition it brings. 

“As requests for installations are increasing recently, competition is getting tougher too,” he explains. End customers usually get multiple quotes before deciding, and knowing his company is still being chosen by customers gives Misawa and his team the ultimate power boost. 

“Customers do not only look at the price, but also at whether the installer knows his stuff, particularly his knowledge about the charger and about EVs in general,” Misawa says. “When we beat our competitors, this gives me a sense of confidence that the customers have trust in us, which is extremely rewarding.”

Balancing Act: How Misawa Masters the EV Charging Industry, Fatherhood, and Kickboxing

And Misawa isn´t afraid of a little competition afterhours. When he’s not untangling wires, Misawa’s busy throwing punches in the world of kickboxing. This unexpected hobby came to life during the COVID-19 pandemic when a friend pulled him into the ring.

“My shoe size is 30cm, which is pretty huge for my height, and so my friend jokingly said, ‘Your kick must be powerful´, and invited me to kickboxing, to which I accepted.”

Misawa’s strong kick was hard to miss – and he’s been hooked ever since.

“Kickboxing, or martial arts in general, emphasizes a lot on looking forward. I have been trained mentally too through kickboxing, so I am looking forward to kicking our competitors’ asses!”

With a recent move to a new house and the arrival of twin girls, his hands are full. But there’s a kickboxing gym just around the corner, waiting for the dust to settle, and Misawa’s ready to jump back in.

Kickboxing isn’t just about a vigorous workout for Misawa. It’s a mental exercise that’s helped him build resilience and stay balanced, no matter how tough the fight gets.

“Kickboxing, or martial arts in general, emphasizes a lot on looking forward. I have been trained mentally too through kickboxing, so I am looking forward to kicking our competitors’ asses! “

It has been a year of firsts for Misawa. From celebrating one year as an installer in November to enjoying new fatherhood, Misawa has made lots of exciting memories over the last few months. 

But like electric charging, he says his journey is just getting started. 

“The most memorable installation I did has to be the first Pulsar Plus installation I did in Hiratsuka, which is also the first ever Pulsar Plus being installed in Japan. 

“Since it was the first time, we were uncertain about the product, especially the app settings. In the end, it was not as difficult as we had imagined. 

“When we finished the installation and left the site, I looked back and saw the gentle glow from the Pulsar Plus. I thought to myself: ´This is the beginning of many more Pulsar Pluses in Japan.” 

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